Has Your Dentist Told You These Crucial Facts About Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

It’s crucial that you know these signs and symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth. Here you’ll find crucial information and tips for taking care of wisdom teeth.


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Borderline Diabetics At Risk for Gum Disease

Researchers have discovered a link between borderline diabetes and gum disease. Learn how pre-diabetics are at a much greater risk for developing gum disease.

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Senior Dental Care Guide: Top Tips for Healthy Teeth

Your teeth are one of the most important parts of your body–after all, you need them to eat and talk. It’s essential to take care of them throughout your life, especially as you get older. Senior dental care is crucial to keep a high quality of life.

But don’t worry–by following these tips, you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of healthy smiles!

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7 Things You Can Do to Prevent Tooth Decay

Are you sure you’re doing everything you can to prevent cavities? To protect your mouth from tooth decay, here are 7 crucial things you need to do.

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Why Sports Drinks are Destroying Athletes’ Teeth

What’s so bad about drinking Gatorade while you work out? The trend between consuming sports drinks and dental erosion among athletes may surprise you.

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What are the types of teeth in my mouth?

Updated August 19, 2016

Have you ever considered all the structures in your mouth? From the hangy down thing in the back of your mouth to the multiple types of individual teeth, there is a lot of stuff going on in your mouth!

When you care for your teeth, smile for the camera, and laugh with your mouth wide open, you probably consider whether your teeth look good. But what are those teeth doing in there? Why are some of them different? Here are the basics when it comes to what's in your mouth.

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