Are Cavities Contagious? The Shocking Truth
The flu. Chickenpox. Measles. There are a lot of contagious illnesses out there. But, are cavities contagious? It seems like a crazy idea at first. But, there’s more truth to it than you think. Discover the contagious aspect of cavities, and what you can do to prevent them.
12 Bad Teeth Habits You Need to Stop Now
Bad habits die hard, right? But, these bad dental habits aren’t just annoying. They’re also bad for your teeth. If you do these actions regularly, you wear away the enamel on your teeth, making them more susceptible to cavities, breaking, and discoloration. Not to mention, a host of other problems.
To avoid bad teeth and unnecessary trips to the dentist, you need to make these lifestyle changes immediately.
How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?
Everybody wants a perfectly white smile. But, is the cost of teeth whitening worth it? Find out everything you need to know about the teeth whitening options you have, what it costs on average, and how you can get pearly whites for cheaper.
Deteriorating Teeth With Old Age
Aging is an inevitable part of life. Decades of eating, drinking, and talking certainly take a toll on your teeth. Deteriorating teeth is a common sign of aging. Taking care of your dental health and preventing tooth decay is crucial to keep the teeth you were born with. Learn about the risks of aging on your dental health and what you can do to keep your teeth in tip-top shape.
What to Expect From a Dental Cleaning
Professional dental cleanings are crucial for proper oral hygiene. No matter how well you brush your teeth at home, an expert has more skill and knowledge. There are a lot of benefits to getting your teeth cleaned professionally. But most importantly, it can prevent a lot of serious illnesses. Here’s everything you should expect from a dental cleaning.
It’s never too late to start getting dental cleanings. Whether you’re getting over your fear of the dentist or you just haven’t had the time, it’s good that you’re thinking about getting cleanings. Make it a regular habit, and you’ll reap the benefits of proper oral hygiene in no time.
How to Clean Your Tongue Effectively
You need to brush and floss every day, right? That’s what we’ve all been taught. But our parents, teachers, and even dentists often forget to mention the third component of oral hygiene: the tongue. Follow this useful guide on how to clean your tongue and learn why you should do it every day.
How to Fix a Chipped Tooth
Although tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, your teeth arent’ indestructible. One wrong move can break a significant part of your tooth. This is what we call a chipped tooth. Here’s what you need to do if you have a chipped tooth to fix it quickly and painlessly.
How to Tell If You Have a Cavity
You’ve heard about cavities. You know how dangerous they are. But still, you’re not quite sure how to recognize a cavity. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This guide will show you how to tell if you have a cavity, and what you can do about it.
19 Amazing Home Remedies for Removing Plaque Naturally
Use these amazing home remedies to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Keep your teeth and mouth healthy with all-natural scrubs and cleansing solutions.
10 Quick Ways Get Rid of Onion Breath
As healthy and as yummy as onions are, they certainly don’t smell good. And once you eat some onions, getting rid of the smell can be pretty difficult. Luckily, there are a couple of ways you can eat onions and still have a fresh breath. Here are 10 quick, natural, and effective ways to get rid of onion breath.